kube-apiserver security
• It is the center of k8s and we need to secure it
• Who can access?
○ Authentication using password, token or 3rd party authentication
○ Service account for third party services
• What they can do?
○ Authorization using - RBAC (Role Based Access Control), ABAC (Attribute Based Access Control)
• Communication with other components like etcd-cluster, kube-controller, kube-scheduler etc are controlled by using the TLS certificate
• Communication between pod in the cluster can be restricted using NetworkPolicy
• Different Users
○ Administrator
○ Developer
○ End-User
○ Third part apps
• Two types accounts we need to take care
○ User - Human
○ Service Account - other process or services
• User account is managed through the kube-apiserver and
○ different authentication method supported by kube-apiserver are
§ static password file
§ static token file
§ certificate
§ using third party like LDAP, Kerberos
○ While starting the kube-apiserver we need to pass the argument '--basic-auth-file=/var/user-credentials.csv'
TLS Authentication
• Uses symmetric and asymmetric keys for passing information between client and server
• Certificate is issued by Certificate Authority to confirm whether the server that sends the certificate is actually them
• PKI - Public Key Infrastructure
• Naming convention for keys
○ Public Key - *.crt, *.pem
○ Private Key - *.key, *-key.pem
TLS in Kubernetes
• 3 types of Certificates
○ Server Certificate
○ Client Certificate
○ Root Certificate (Signing Authority Cert)
• In K8S, we generate client and server key for components like
○ k8s-apiserver
○ etcd
○ kubelet
○ kube-proxy
○ controller-manager
○ scheduler
○ kubectl
○ ca-authority
• K8S mandates to have one Certificate Authority per cluster, we can have more than one CA but atleast one should be there
Generating Certificates in K8S
• There are many tools to create private key and certificate like
○ openssl
○ easyrsa
○ cfssl
• Commands
○ openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048 => For creating private key
○ openssl req -new -key ca.key -subj "/CN=KUBERNETES-CA" -out ca.csr => For creating a CSR or Certificate Signing Request file
○ openssl x509 -req -in ca.csr -signkey ca.key -out ca.crt => For creating the signed certificate, for CA we use the its own private key for signing the certificate
○ openssl x509 -in apiserver.crt -text -noout => for viewing the certificate details
Certificate API
• Its a k8s managed object which takes care of signing the CSR (Certificate Signing Requests)
• The controller manager is responsible for managing the csr requests and approving etc
• It contains 3 informations
○ Clusters - dev, prod, test etc
○ Contexts - which user account uses for which cluster etc
○ Users - user account with we we have access to
• $HOME/.kube/config is a Config object in k8s and we need to define in a YAML file
API Groups
• There are multiple different APIs K8S provides
○ /version API
○ /log API
○ /healthz API
○ /api -> core groups like namespaces, node, pods, configmaps, secret etc
○ /apis -> named groups are more organized based on apps, extensions, networking, storage, certificate, authentication etc
○ /metrics
• We can use http://master-node:6443 -k --key= --cert= --cacert=
• Or we can start the 'kubectl proxy' and we can access with without any certificate, key etc
• Different AuthorizationMode which we can set via the --authorization-mode attribue while starting the kube-apiserver. We can have multiple authorization mode defined and the check will happen in a chain
○ Node Authorizer - Node can access the kube-api server based on the certificate configuration
○ ABAC (Attribute Based Access Control) - A policy file needs to be created in a JSON format which tells which user or user-group has what access etc and then we need to restart the kube-api server
○ RBAC (Role Based Access Control) - Here we first define the role and then map user or user-group to the defined role. Will be easy to manage
○ Webhook - kube-apiserver checks with third party tool like open-policy-agent which manages the authorization level and will respond back
○ AlwaysAllow
○ AlwaysDeny
• We can configure in a way like a particular user has access to a certain namespace only
• Role is a kubernetes object and we can define using a yaml definition
• RoleBinding is another object which links the user with Role
• Command to check whether the user can access or not
○ kubectl auth can-i create deployments
Cluster Role and RoleBinding
• Role and RoleBindings are a namespace resource and we cannot use Role and RoleBinding for allowing/restricting node access
• For a node resource, we need to use ClusterRole
• Kubernetes resources can be in one of the below scope
○ Namespace scoped
○ Cluster scoped
• Example of Cluster scoped resources
○ nodes
○ PV (Persistence Volume)
○ clusterroles
○ clusterrolebinding
○ certificatesigningrequest
○ namespaces
○ ..
• The ClusterRole allows access to all the namespaces
Security Contexts
• We can specify what is the userId the container is running or the unix capability
• We can set these context at the POD level or at the container level. However the capability can be set only at container level
runAsUser: 1000
add: ["MAC_ADMIN"]
Network Policy
• By default the network rule set by kubernetes is 'AllAllow' which means any pod can reach to any other pod without restriction
• NetworkPolicy is another object in kubernetes namespace
• We can link NetworkPolicy to one or more pods using the label selector
• There are many implementation for networking in k8s
○ flannel
○ Calico
○ Romana