Saturday, 17 June 2017

DIY: Balcony Ideas - Wall Murals

Want to test the creativity side of the brain? then balcony ideas are the best food for thoughts. If we sit back and think then we will get an enormous list of ideas that we can try there. There wouldn't be a single person who hasn't experienced sipping a tea or coffee in Balcony. Even though the balcony is the smallest square area on any apartment building, we all love to spend quality time with our loved ones by sitting, talking, playing etc.

Balcony or sit out is a special space in every home where we would try our hobbies like potting the plants, using upcycled old furniture, novel lighting systems, painting the walls etc., to name few.  When it comes to the balcony, we will be more courageous in attempting new thoughts as it is a small square area and is mostly private to our family members, so even our idea didn't turn up well, we take it easy.

Before the Murals

One such idea we got is wall murals. Instead of a single lite tone color all over the balcony, we wanted to give some life to it by adding more active colors. Wall mural are what we finally decided on rather than just active colors. We were not professional painters, not even a painters; Oh God, the last painting I did was for my high school drawing class!! Based on our proficiency level, we chose to draw a tree with simple branches. No doubt, Google is always the third eye, from so many tree models we searched, we shortlisted to three and started our rough sketch on the wall.

Materials that are required

  1. Mural model
  2. Chalk pieces
  3. Different varieties/widths of paint brushes
  4. Paint
  5. Sandpaper
  6. Hand gloves 
  7. Waste clothes

Paints are required brushes

The paint we selected was Asian Royal paint, this is 100% odorless and is stain-free paint. Most of the paint shop has the base paint and instantly prepares the color we chose from the base paint. And the Asian Royal can be easily cleaned from our skin if paint spills on us.

Step 1 of the art
If the wall is dirty then having a coat with emulsion is good. Low-cost emulsions like Tractor can be applied 5 to 6 hours before starting the mural work.

Finished masterpiece
One more snap

Work like this will keep us engaged on the weekends and also cherish us every moment we see it. Also, ideas like this will convert the balcony into a livable area rather a dumping area.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Trip to God's Own Country : Kerala

KERALA, one of the wettest and greenest states in India. The monsoon in this state starts early and from late May or early June we can see showers to heavy rains. The state has lots of lakes, river, and backwaters with the year full of waters in it.

We started our journey from Bangalore to Cochin, which is the business capital of Kerala even though Trivandrum is the official capital. Cochin is famous for its harbor, naval base, ship building yards, and of course fishing. Actually, Cochin and Ernakulam are twin cities. Along the coastal area, it is Cochin and inside it is Ernakulam town. Cochin is also surrounded by many small islands including a manmade artificial island and each island has its own importance in history and its current functions.


The first spot/image that comes to our mind when we say Kerala is its unique houseboat experience. Alleppey town which is also synonymously called has 'Venice of East' has a large number of canals and the town is surrounded by the Arabian Sea on one side and Vembanad lake on the other side. The Vembanad lake is the largest lake in India and this lake is spread across multiple districts of Kerala. Alleppey town and Vembanad lake are also famous for it traditional rowing boat race.

1. Starting point of House Boats
2. Snap of another houseboat inside the lake
3. With the crew member

The houseboats are in operational for the past 25 years and in the recent past, it gained so much of attractions. As of today, there is nearly 1800 houseboat in total it seems. There are so many licensed houseboats vendors and we book one online or we can take one after going there. If it is a peak season like November or December then it is better to book in advance. The advantage of going there and booking is we can bargain and get a better deal than online booking. There are multiple variants of houseboat ranging from one room to maximum of 10 rooms house boat. Available in both air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned rooms. Almost all houseboat comes with a living room, dining hall, entertainment unit, and kitchen.

1. One of the rooms in houseboat
2. Living room
3. Corridor
A range of packages is available to choose from, like a day package, night package or day-night package. Two to three crew member will be accompanying us throughout the journey, they will help in preparing food, cleaning etc. The depth of the lake is huge, 12 feet to 40 feet in some places. The maximum speed of the houseboat is 20 kmph. We can see police personals patrolling on the speed boat for the safety of tourists and to avoid any incidents. On the way, if we need to buy any items, shops are there on the banks of the lake. On the journey, we can enjoy the scenic beauty where we are completely surrounded by water and small islands, we can also witness different species of birds and varieties of plants and trees.

In the evening after 5:30, they will dock the boat in a nearby village and we can go for a nature walk and sight seeing in that village. Apart from the houseboat, we can also see express boats which are like bus service to ferry people from one village to another.


Ernakulam town is a diversified place with both modern and traditional values. It has Asia's largest mall 'Lulu mall' and there is another mall dedicated only for mobile phone and accessories. International brand shops across marine drive road. Chottanikkara is just a 1-hour drive from Ernakulam and it has the famous Bhagavathi temple. All temples in Kerala has its own unique architectural style, we feel blessed as we enter the sanctum.  

Fort Cochin is also near where we can see the famous Portugal's church, this is the church where Vasco da Gama was buried when he died here during his third visit to India. After few minutes drive from the church, we can reach the spot where fishermen installed Chinese fishing net for fishing, these Chinese fishing nets are shore operated lift nets.
1. Place where Vasco Da Gama was buried
2. Church built by Portugues 
Chinese fishing nets in Cochin


Vypin is one the island around Cochin and it hosts lots and lots of resorts and homestays across the coast. To reach Vypin island, we need to cross two more islands Mulavukad and Vallarpadam. Mulavukad island houses Bolgatty Palace built by the Dutch which is now converted into a hotel. Vallarpadam island has the international container shipment terminal. Vypin island consists of many small villages and beaches. Cherai Beach is the famous beach of Vypin and is the nearest cleanest beach from Ernakulam. The other side of the beach is a lake. We stayed near Munambam beach and even here we can see a line of Chinese fishing nets in operation. 

In Munambam beach

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Spark Fundamentals

Below are the notes I have taken while taking the course "Spark Fundamentals I" in Keeping it on the blog for my own reference and it may be helpful to others.  

M1: Introduction to Spark

Spark is an execution engine

MapReduce does the job but takes more time
MapReduce needs high learning curve
MapReduce uses disk

In Memory computation
Interactive algorithms
Ease of Use:
APIs for Scala, Java, python

Spark can run on top of 
* Apache Mesos (Same principles as Linux kernel only at a different level of abstraction)
* Cloud

Why Spark?
Provides parallel distributed processing, fault-tolerance on commodity hardware

Spark unified stack

SPARK |   Spark      |      MLib                 | GraphX      |
 SQL     | Streaming | Machine Learning |                   |
|                                          |
|            SPARK Core                                                  |
| Standalone |  YARN       |  Mesos                                |
| Scheduler   |                |                                           |

* Spark core provides scheduling, distributing and monitoring of applications
* Spark SQL is designed to work with Spark via SQL and HiveQL
* Spark streaming provides processing of live streams of data

Resilient Distributed Dataset:

* Spark's primary abstraction
* Two types of RDD operations
  1. Transformation - Creates DAG (Directed Ascyclic Graph), Lazy evaluation, No return value
  2. Actions - Until the action operaration comes, nothing will be executed, once the action is encountered, all the transformations will be performed

* Fault tolerance aspect of RDD allow it to reconstruct the transformation used
* Caching is provided in-memory, if not enough, it will use disk

> Spark jobs can be written in Scala, python and java. ALso on Spark shell
> Spark's native language is Scala
> FUnctions are object in scala, even integer, boolean are also objects, everything is object in scala   

M2: Resilient Distributed Dataset

* Spark's primary abstraction
* Is a fault tolerant and can be operated in parallel
* They are immutable
* 3 methods of creating RDD
  1. Parallelizing existing collection
  2. Referencing a dataset from HDFS, Cassandra, HBase etc
  3. Transformation from existing RDD
* Supported file
  Text file, sequence file & Hadoop inputFormat

RDD persistence
Two APIs
1. Persist
> Option to persist in memory, disk, serialize, memory and disk etc
2. Cache

Shared variable:
Two types
1. Broadcast variable
  Readonly copy on each machine
2. Accumulator
  used for count and sums
  only the driver can read the accumulator value

M3: Spark Application Programming

* SparkContext is main entry point
* Used to create RDDs, accumulators and broadcast
* Spark 1.1.1 depends on scala 2.0
* Spark 1.1.1 with python 2.6 or higher < 3
* spark 1.1.1 with java

Passing functions to Spark:
1. Anonymous function -> useful for one time use
2. Static methods
3. Passing by reference

package the code into .jar (scala/java) or .py or .zip (python)

we should use spark-submit command to run the applications

M4: Introduction to Spark libraries

* Spark SQL  - Schema RDD
* Spark Streaming
* MLip
* GraphX
all these libraries are extenstion of Spark core

Spark SQL:
* The SQL context is created from SparkContext
* Schema RDD
* Two methods to infer the schema for RDD
1. Using Reflection, useful when we know the schema before hand
2. Programmatic interface to construct a schema, useful when we know the schema only at runtime

Spark Streaming
* To process live streaming data in small batches
* It receives data from including Kafka, Flume, HDFS, Kinesis or Twitter

Spark Libraries:
* MLib
Algo and utilities for 
1. Classification
2. Regression
3. Clustering
4. Colaborative Filtering
5. Dimensionality reduction

*Graph X:
Graph processing for social networking and language modelling

M5: Spark Configuration, monitoring, and tuning

1. Driver - where the Spark Context is
2. Cluster Master - Can be a standalone, Apache Mesos, Hadoop YARN
3. Executor - Work Node

Driver sends the application or python file to each executor and a task.
Applications cannot share data, if we want to share, we need to externalize it.

*Three Locations
1. Spark properties - Where application parameters can be set
2. Environment properties - used to set per machine setup like IP addresses
3. Loggine property

SPARK_HOME/conf - default conf directory

We can set the Spark properties either statically or dynamically
SparkConf is sent while creating SparkContext object

Priority of Spark conf
1. Setting prop directly on SparkConf
2. Flags passed during spark-submit or spark-shell
3. Finally from spark-defaults.conf

1. From Web UI
Application Web UI
2. Metrics
Based on Coda Hale
Configured in conf/
3. External instrumentations

1. Data Serialization
  - crusial for network performance
  - Java serializaion
  - Kyro serialization -> best that Java but not support al type
2. Memory Tuning
  - Cost of accessing the object
  - Overhead of GC

Imporoving performance
1. Level of parallelism
2. Memory usage of reduce tasks
3. Broadcasting large variables
4. Serialized or each tasks

Hadoop Introduction

Below are the notes I have taken while taking the course "Hadoop 101" in Keeping it on the blog for my own reference and it may be helpful to others.  

M1: Intro to Hadoop

What is Hadoop?

*Framework developed in java for processing Structured, un and semi structured data on commodity computer node.
* Not suitable for Online Trans processing or online Analytic Processing
* Not replacement to RDBMS
* FB - processes 600GB data
* Twitter processed 7TB everyday
* 80% data are unstructured

Hadoop related opensource projects:

* Eclipse
* Apache Lucene - Full text search engine written in java
* HBASE - Hadoop Database
* Hive - SQL like language to access HBASE
* PIC - High level language
* Zookeeper - for managing the name nodes
* Spark - Execution engine
* Apache Aambari - Web UI for managing & monitoring the hadoop cluster
* Apache Avro - for data serialization
* Apache UIMA - Unstructured Information Management Applications


M2: Hadoop Architecture & HDFS


* Each node is called a commodity computer
* Rack are collection of 30 to 40 nodes
* Hadoop cluster is collection of racks
* Within rack the bandwidth is more

Pre 2.2 Arch:

Two components
1. Distributed File System or HDFS - FOr storing the data
>Name Node and Data NOde
>HDFS runs on top of existing FS
>No random access
>Default block size is 128 MB   
>Replication of blocks across cluster

2. MapReduce Engine - a framework for processing 
>Job tracker and Task Tracker
>SIngle JobTracker
>MapReduce is based on Google paper

Hadoop 2.2

* Provides YARN (Yet Another Res Negotiator)
>Referred to as MapReduce v2
>Resource Manager and Scheduler are introduced
>Name Node and Data Node exists
>No Jobtracker and tasktracker
>App Master do the resaource negotiation
>NameNode was Single point of failure in Hadoop 1.1

HDFS Replication:
> Eg: Replication factor 3.
First a block is placed in Rack1, then the replication will be placed in a data node other than Rack1, eg: Rack 2. The third replication will be placed in same Rack where 2nd replication happed. In this case Rack2.

hadoop fs <args>
hdfs dfs <args>
eg: hdfs dfs -ls

copyFromLocal / put
copyToLocal /get
setRep - for setting Replication

hadoop fs -help

M3: Hadoop Administration

1. Adding /removing Nodes
> from Ambari console
> services can be added ot removed from a particular node
2. Verifying health
> hadoop fs - report
3. Start and stopping component
> Services like Pig, Hive, Sqoop etc can be started and stopped
4. Configuration
> multiple config files like
a. hadoop-env.xml - specify where JAVA is
b. core-site.xml - for hadoop core such as IO setting common for HDFS and MR
c. hdfs-site.xml - configuration of name node dir, sec name node, data node, block size

Before changing, we need to stop the service.

M4: Hadoop Components

1. MapReduce
Data enters in unstructured format, Map will convert it into a key and value format

2. Pig and Hive
Converts high level language to MR programs
> 2 execution env
Local (interpreter) & Distributed
We can use Grunt prompt
We can use script

3. Flume:
By CoudEra
eg: collecting log from all node and move to a persistence storage
tail(acces.log) --> HDFS


4. Sqoop:
Trasnfer data between Hadoop and DB

5. Oozie:
- Manages workflows in HDFS
- Used to control hadoop jobs
- workflow defined in hPDL (XML Process Definition Language)

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Big Data Introduction

Below are the notes I have taken while taking the course "Big Data Foundations - Level 1" in Keeping it on the blog for my own reference and it may be helpful to others.  

Big Data Adoption

Data coming from:
transactions or log data
Clinical, Mobile cam - 70% unstructured

Source of Big Data:
Good Data scientist:
pick the right problem for the org rather solving the problem

Data is new oil, is a natural resource that is going.

Sensors are the important contribution to data.
4 engines 1PB of data from LON to SIN
CERN 1GB per sec
Radio telescope20,000 PB/day

Big data with examples:
Holistic approach:
What to achieve?
Collect traffic data to avoid congestion. To find best time and method to travel.

Intelligence: Handles data stream:
Instrumented: Gather from diff sources
Interconnected: can handle both structured and unstructured

Political debate:
Predict public sentiment.
Connected to twitter firehose (100%) vs public API (1%)
analyze each tweet and aggregate

the project at Penn Treebank project, Stanford
Carnegie Mellon Univ

public opinion vs political analysts

Characteristics of BigData:

What and How?
new insight from untouched data
New tools to do more analysis

Four Vs
Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity

BigData is not only Hadoop.

Can we trust the source?

NoSQL - Not Only SQL
NoHadoop - Not Only 

Big Data is a platform and not a software.

Data Warehouse > provided OLAP (Online Analytic Processing)
Stream Computing > Real-time analytic processing (RTAP)

Hadoop - Sofware for structured and unstructured

Accelerators are s/w libraries above the DataWarehouse, Hadoop, Stream

The BigData platform

Key aspect of BigData platform:
1 Integration : It is more than just 1 tech
2 Analytics
3 Visualization : Tools
4 Development tools for engine
5 Oprimization
6 Security and Governance

RTAP (Realtime analytic processing) & HDFS (long 

Governance for BigData
Growing variety and volume makes it difficult to manage

Infosphere: IBM producttime storage) stores the result in warehouse zone

Alaytics must be driven by trusted data

Different data requires different types of governance

True insight requires confidence in data.

FOurth V - Veracity means truthfulness and confidence

Highvalue Big Data Usecase

Sweet spots
1. Big data Exploration
2. Enhance CRM - for cross sell and up sell
3. Security/Intelligence extension
   * improve intelligence & law enforcement
   * Find pattern
4. Operation Analysis
   * analyse large volume of multi structured data which are in motion. To integrate with existing enterprise data, need large amount of analysis 
5. Dataware house augumentation
   * Builds on top of existing datawarehouse to leverage big data
   * Hadoop as a source for data warehouse

1. Airbus:
Data Expplorer is starting point

Multiple Hypothesis tracking (MHT)

2. Terra Echos
Stream and Hadoop is the starting point

3. Cisco
Intelligence infrastructure monitoring
log analystics
Energy bill forecasting

Technical Details of Big Data Component

Sentiment from Social media, Machine log, call center log, email, finanical services etc

AQL - Annotation Query Language (AQL program, tells what needs to be done rather how it needs to be done)
Text Analytics Optimizer, ( will compile the AQL and optimize it and generate execution plan)
Text Analytic Runtime (analyse the stream or doc)

tuples goes to operators for execution
Correlate (Join from multiple source) ->Classify (training data)

Stream softwares:
IBM Infosphere Streams
Storm - Twitter
S4 - Yahoo
Apache Spark
Samza - Linked In
Kinesis - Amazon

IBM Hadoop - BigInsight

SQL for Hadoop (ANSI 92 support)
* Hive
* Impala (Cloud Era)
* Big SQL (IBM)
* Stinger (Hortonworks)
* Drill (MapR)
* HAWQ (Pivotal)
* SQL-H (Teradata)

In Multimedia Analysis

Monday, 10 April 2017

Modifying the Namespace prefix while marshaling the JAXB object

There would be times when we want to see a meaningful name to namespace prefixes given by JAXB marshaling API. By default for any QName which does not have prefix attribute, JAXB will give prefix in this format 'ns<number>' eg: ns0, ns1 etc.

To achieve it, there is a property called MarshallerProperties.NAMESPACE_PREFIX_MAPPER ("eclipselink.namespace-prefix-mapper"); this is for JAXB reference implementation by eclipselink. If it is a different vendor, the property name will vary. For this key, we need to set a value as an instance of org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.NamespacePrefixMapper class.

  jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.mypackage.jaxb");
  m = jc.createMarshaller();
                new NamespacePrefixMapper() {
                   // Map to store the namespace and prefixes
                    Map<String, String> namespacePrefixMap = new HashMap<>();
                        public String getPreferredPrefix(String namespaceuri, String suggestion, boolean requiredPrefix) {      
                            String prefix = namespacePrefixMap.get(namespaceuri);
                            if (null == prefix) {
                               prefix = "myprefix" + suggestion;
                               namespacePrefixMap.put(namespaceuri, prefix);
                             return prefix;